Türgist on pakkumisi hetkel 6 festivalile. Neist kolmele on aega lõplikuks otsuseks märtsini, teistega on aeg juba kiire.
Türgist on erinevaid ettepanekuid festivalidel osalemiseks.
Põhimõtteliselt on mitu korralduslikku varianti:
1. Eesti Europeade Komitee komplekteerib huvilistest grupi ja korraldab kõik reisiga seonduva asjaajamise Eestist Eestini  - teie osa on kava ette valmistada ja tasuda vajalikud summad.
2. Komplekteerite ise grupi ja korraldate ise kogu asjaajamise. Sel juhul annab E.E.K. teile kõik kontaktid ja info, mis konkreetse festivaliga seoses olemas.
3. Komplekteerite ise oma grupi, kuid asjaajamise teeb E.E.K.
Lisaks on võimalus ka Türki lennukiga lennata ja kohapealt vajalikeks sõitudeks buss rentida.
Nii 1. kui 3. variandi puhul koostab E.E.K. teile reisimarsruudi ja arutab võimalikud külastusobjektid teiega läbi. Teepealsete majutuste puhul saate valida kas hotellimajutus (võimalikult soodsamate hindadega) või kämpingud telkimisega (see on odavam, kuid pole mugavam, pigem just tülikam).

Olemasolevate kutsete ajad, kohad ja esitatud tingimused:

kliki lipu kujutisele:

      29.mai kuni 3.juuni 2008 Side linnas kuni 17 aastastele
      4.-10.juunini toimub taas Aksehiri festival, sedakorda juba 49 korda! üliõpilasealistele!
      Rahvusvaheline festival in BERGAMA / TURKEY between 15.-22. juunini 2008. Aega märtsini!
      Rahvusvaheline festival  in SAMSUN / TURKEY between 17.-30. juulini 2008. Aega märtsini!
      30.juulist 4.augustini Istanbulis, vähemalt 16 aastastele, kuid nö. suht noortele täiskasvanutele
      Rahvusvaheline festival in AFYON / TURKEY between 25.-30. augustini 2008. Aega märtsini!
      Rahvusvaheline festival 9 kuni 15 aastastele, Eskisehiris, 350 km Istanbulist, aprillis 2008, KIIRE!
      Festival Türgis ja ometi ka täiskasvanutele ilma vanuse ülemmäärata!! 25-29 juunist 2008 - 02-09 juulini 2008

  18th International Folklore Festival on April 2 - 6, 2008 in Tarsus


29.mai kuni 3.juuni 2008 Side linnas  kuni 17 aastastele

Vahemereäärses Side linnas toimub 5. Side linna rahvusvaheline laste festival, kuhu on oodatud nii rahvatantsijad kui ka moderntantsijad. Testival algab 29.mail ja õpeb 3.juunil 2008. Kõik esinejad peavad olema vanuses kuni 17 aastat. Grupi maksimaalne suurus on 44 inimest. Juunis on seal temperatuur ca 30 kraadi ja seal on suurepärased liivarannad.
Eelmisel aastal osalesid: Läti, Leedu, Valgevene, Gruusia, Ungari, Venemaa ja Ukraina.

Reisi kestvus bussiga: minnes ööd Krakowis, Belgradis, Istanbulis, Türgis (?)
tulles ööbimised: Türgis (?), Istanbulis, Belgradis, Slovakkias, Poolas. Reis kokku 15-16 päeva. Hind (buss, ööbimised hotellides - hostelites koos hommikusöögiga, kindlustus, viisa, teedemaksud, sillamaksud) umbes 7000 krooni.  Lennukiga Istanbuli hetke paremad hinnad edasi-tagasi läbi Praha 6358 krooni. Lisaks on vaja sõita veel edasi-tagasi läbi Türgi. Seega lennureis võidab aega, kuid lisab kõvasti hinda. Otse lähemasse lennujaama lendamine on juba topelt kallis. Bussisõidu hinda võib alandada tegelike läbirääkimiste järgi selguv vaheööbimiste summa.

Bussisõidu hinda saab kärpida, kui hostelid vahetada seal kus saab kämpingute vastu. Kuid see lisab vajaduse madratsite, magamiskottide ja telkide järgi ning üldjuhul ei saa tagada hommikusööke. Lisaks oleksid ööbimised linnast väljas. Kokkuhoid oleks tuhande krooni ringis.

Hinnas ei ole ekskursioone ega teepealseid omal käel toitlustusi.

4.-10.juunini toimub taas Aksehiri festival, sedakorda juba 49 korda!
vähemalt 16 aastastele, soovitavalt üliõpilasealistele

Aksehiri 49.festivalile oodatakse sedakorda noorte rühma, vanused üle 16 aasta. Kui eelmisel aastal osales 6 rühma - Läti, Tsehhi, Horvaatia, Poola, Ungari ja Eesti, siis järgmisel aastal kutsutakse 8 rühma. Grupi suurus maksimaalselt 44 inimest. Sel festivalil on ka väike osalustasu. Eelistatult ootavad nii umbes üliõpilasealisi.

Reisi kestvus bussiga: minnes ööd Krakowis, Belgradis, Istanbulis, 
tulles ööbimised:  Istanbulis, Belgradis, Slovakkias, Poolas. Reis kokku 15-16 päeva. Hind (buss, ööbimised hotellides - hostelites koos hommikusöögiga, kindlustus, viisa, teedemaksud, sillamaksud) umbes 7000 krooni.  Lennukiga Istanbuli hetke paremad hinnad edasi-tagasi läbi Praha 5355 krooni. Lisaks on vaja sõita veel edasi-tagasi Aksehirini ning rentida kohapealseteks sõitudeks buss. Seega lennureis võidab aega, kuid lisab kõvasti hinda. Otse lähemasse lennujaama lendamine on veelgi kallim. Bussisõidu hinda võib alandada tegelike läbirääkimiste järgi selguv vaheööbimiste summa.

Hinnas ei ole ekskursioone ega teepealseid omal käel toitlustusi.

30.juulist 4.augustini Istanbulis, vähemalt 16 aastastele, kuid nö. suht noortele täiskasvanutele

Möödunud festivalil 2007 osalesid Eesti, Belgia, Prantsusmaa, Baskid, Kreeka, Läti, Rumeenia, Serbia ja Ungari. Eestit esindasid Tallinnast "Kuljus" ja "Pääsuke".

Reisi kestvus bussiga: minnes ööd Krakowis, Belgradis, Istanbulis, 
tulles ööbimised:  Istanbulis, Belgradis, Slovakkias, Poolas. Reis kokku 13-14 päeva. Hind (buss, ööbimised hotellides - hostelites koos hommikusöögiga, kindlustus, viisa, teedemaksud, sillamaksud) umbes 7000 krooni.  Lennukiga Istanbuli hetke paremad hinnad edasi-tagasi läbi Praha 5810 krooni. Lisaks kindlustus, viisa ja pudi-padi kulud. Kuna saabuma peab nii päev varem ja lahkuma päev hiljem, siis lisandub kaks ööbimiskulu Istanbulis. Pole välistatud ka vajadus kohapeal mingiteks sõitudeks bussi rentida. Seega Istanbul on peaaegu samas hinnas, kas minna lennukiga või bussiga. Bussisõidu koguhind võib natuke langeda, lennusõidul aga ei pruugi vabu odavamaid pileteid ostu hetkel enam olla. Juba järgmine hinnaklass samal lennul on tuhat krooni kallim jne.. Bussisõidu hinda võib alandada tegelike läbirääkimiste järgi selguv vaheööbimiste summa.

Hinnas ei ole ekskursioone ega teepealseid omal käel toitlustusi.

International festival  in SAMSUN / TURKEY between 17-30 July 2008.
City Samsun is near Black Sea.

Festivali tingimused :

- grupi maksimumsuurus 40 koos juhendajate, tantsijate, muusikute ja bussijuhtidega
- tantsijad peavad olema vanusevahes 18 kuni 30
- elav saatemuusika on tingimus
- majutus hotellis ja 3 korda päevas söök korraldajate poolt
- bussile kütus sõiduks Türgis korraldajate poolt
- kui tulete lennukiga lähimasse lennujaama, siis transfeer lennujaamast ja tagasi korraldajate poolt
- osalustasu 10 € isikult kogu perioodi eest
- saabumine 17.juulil ja lahkumine 30.juulil peale hommikueinet

International festival in AFYON / TURKEY between 25-30 August 2008.

Festivali tingimused :

- grupi maksimumsuurus 40 koos juhendajate, tantsijate, muusikute ja bussijuhtidega
- tantsijad peavad olema vanusevahes 17 kuni 30
- elav saatemuusika on tingimus
- majutus üliõpilashotellis ja 3 korda päevas söök korraldajate poolt
- bussile kütus sõiduks Türgis korraldajate poolt
- kui tulete lennukiga lähimasse lennujaama, siis transfeer lennujaamast ja tagasi korraldajate poolt
- osalustasu 10 € isikult kogu perioodi eest
- saabumine 25.augustil ja lahkumine 30.augustil peale hommikueinet

International festival in BERGAMA / TURKEY between 15-22 June 2008.
City Bergama near Aegean Sea and antique city.


Festivali tingimused :

- grupi maksimumsuurus 40 koos juhendajate, tantsijate, muusikute ja bussijuhtidega
- tantsijad peavad olema vanusevahes 18 kuni 35
- elav saatemuusika on tingimus
- majutus üliõpilashotellis ja 3 korda päevas söök korraldajate poolt
- bussile kütus sõiduks Türgis korraldajate poolt
- kui tulete lennukiga lähimasse lennujaama (Izmiri), siis transfeer lennujaamast ja tagasi korraldajate poolt
- osalustasu 10 € isikult kogu perioodi eest
- saabumine 15.juunil ja lahkumine 22.juunil peale hommikueinet

International Children festival organization in Eskişehir-Turkey , between 20-25 April 2008.
I want to invite your group to this festival.

If you want to participate to this festival, the conditions are following and please send me answer till 25.02.2008

Hope to meet you in Turkey.

My best regards.

Cengiz Veznikli
Anatolian Folklore Foundation
Edirne- Turkey

Fax : 0090 284 213 18 43
Mobil : 0090 535 302 83 06

Festival participation’s conditions :

1- The group members must be maximum 40 person including leader,musicians,drivers and dancers.( 30 person children, 10 person adult)
2- The adult numbers don’t be over then 10 person.
3- The children age should be 9-15.
4- The children will stay near the Turkish family, adult will stay in hostel.
5- The live music is necessary.Also you can use CD.
6- The period performances should be either 3, 7 or 10 minutes. But the period of performances must be more than 10 minutes during the Folk Competion.
7- The groups should come with their national flag and English translator.
8- If you come by plane we will provide bus from airport to festival place and back.(from İstanbul to Eskişehir and back )
9- The prizes : The best performance, the best costume, the best music, the best careograpny and most gentleman group will be elected.
10- If you come by bus we will provide petrol only festival period.( 150 liters )
11- Our committe will provide accomodation and meals.
12-The participate fee 10.- Euro per person for all period for my Foundation.
13-The arrivel date 20.04.2008, the departure date 25.04.2008 after breakfast.

County International Culture and Folk Dance Festival list Conditions 25-29 june 2008 - 02-09 July 2008

Cheery festival which become traditional in our caounty, Will be made in the dates between 25-29 june 2008 and 02-09 July/
2008 in this year. We’ll be very happy to see you in this festival. I reguest you to participate in our cheery festival and honour us.
please bring amateur groups contact:   hasanabay54@hotmail.com     can_k_ardes@hotmail.com 

1-)  The folk dance community of countries which will be joined in our festival,will arrive in our county at 12.00 – 18.00 in  …. - . … / july/ 2008. And they will leave our county in ….. - …. / july / 2008 after the breakfast.
2-) Our festival is not a child festival; İt is composed of adults ( over 16 years old ) the group that composed of adults will be joined in our festival.
3-) The community (also include dancer,musician and driver) will not be more than 30 people.
4-) The community can play their dance with lively music. The plays should be prepared with shows which will last 5,10,15,20,30 minutes.
5-) Shows will be made in open – places
6-) The festival committee will undertake the needs of coming groups bed and meal expense.
7-) Staying in school dam or public guest-house
8-) The community which are going to join in our hazelnut festival have to send their application from until 20 April 2008 to  the fax number below
9-) The applicants should send the list which includes name-surname - The birthdate sexuality and the mission in team until 20 may 2008
10-) The diesel oil expense that they use during the days that they stay in our county and 200 lt.diesel oil for their returning will be given to the groups which come from abroad.
11-) İn addition,some guantity of food will be given to the groups for their returning.
12-) İn the festival programme,Delegation visits and mutual present buying and selling will be made (at least 4 visits)
13-) İn spare time;city-tour,shopping and picnic ete.activities like this will be presented to the groups.
14-) The groups have to bring cd which introduce themselves,brochure,poster and 2 country-flags while they’re coming to our county
I5-) pocket lunch will be gıven when you return tıme for travelling
16-) The communities should take their General Health insurance with them and whenthey need any help,we will hwlp their health problems.
17-) The communities have to obey the festival committee’s rules and decisions.
18-) The dance groups who come to or festival have to obey the rules and decisions of festival committe, İf they don’t obey the rules and decisions of festival committe, their list of conditions will be cancelled

18th International Folklore Festival on April 2 - 6, 2008 in Tarsus

Dear Sir / Madam,

We would like to invite your school to participate in the 18th International Folklore Festival. This event takes place at Tarsus American School in southern Turkey. We look forward to hosting you and your team of enthusiastic dancers this spring, on April 2 - 6, 2008.

As an International Baccalaureate school and an educational establishment started by foreign philanthropists, part of our mission is to promote international ideals and intercultural awareness. We are proud of our institution’s heritage and how our students are able to balance and blend their local and international interests. Tarsus American College has organized seventeen successful folklore festivals in the past, attended by dance troupes from a variety of countries as well as from Turkey.

The purpose of the festival is to introduce youth to internationalism through dance. We wish to present folklore music traditions from around the world and establish a cultural exchange between schools and associations from Turkey and abroad. The goal is to have the various groups work together and perform to the general public by the end of the festival.

In addition, delegates will also participate in a social and cultural program including site-seeing tours around Tarsus, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Participants will have the opportunity to stay with the families and be treated to authentic Turkish hospitality in these home stay arrangements. This experience is also enriched by the fact that Mediterranean Turkey is the home of fantastic food and sunny skies!

We are pleased to send you an outline program for our festival, as well as some practical details and conditions to participate. We hope you will join us for the 18th International Folklore Festival. If you and your folklore dance troupe wish to attend, please contact us before March 3, 2008 to reserve your place. We look forward to hearing from you.

Please visit www.tac.k12.tr/folklore  for more detail.


TAC Turkish First Vice Principal Robert J. MALLETT
Director of Tarsus Schools

Folklore Festival
Conditions to Participate

1. The Festival date is April 2-6, 2008. The groups must arrive in Tarsus on Wednesday April 2, between 13:00-17:00 and depart from Tarsus on Sunday, April 6, 2008. Since our school day ends at 17:00,we would like to ask for your particular consideration in having your group on school campus by 17:00.

2. The groups will arrange their own transportation to ADANA Airport or to TARSUS. All the other expenses (meals, lodging, etc) will be provided by us.

3. The guest students will be staying with host families of students matching their age. (Each student will be accomodated individually). The accompanying teachers or chaperones will be staying either in a hotel or in guest apartments on campus (full board). The groups will be hosted from April 2-6, 2008. The groups who would like to come earlier or stay longer are expected to cover their own expenses.

4. The participating students have to be between 13 - 18 years of age. Each show will be 20 minutes long at the most.

5. The application will be completed online through the application form on our school web page. Please visit www.tac.k12.tr/folklore before March 3, 2008 to complete the form.

6. The guest groups should provide the following:
a. The participant’s national flag size 1 X 1.5, a table flag and a school flag.

7. Each guest group should have at most 20 students and 6 accompanying chaperones.

8. The groups will take a one day local sightseeing trip organized by the festival committee, and on the other days they are to follow the program prepared by the committee.

9. The deadline for application is March 3, 2008.

10. The detailed program will be posted on the school web page closer to the event.

NOTE : Since we have a limited number of groups for accommodation, early responses will be appreciated and given priority.