Kuna mitmetele festivalidele on soovijaid rohkem kui vastuvõtjad
võimaldada saavad, siis on teie endi huvides - tehke otsus kiirelt ja saatke
avaldus koos lisadega samuti ära kiirelt.
Eesti Europeade Komitee korraldab kõik reisiga seonduva.
Kui soovite kogu asjaajamisega ise tegelda (näiteks lennukiga minnes-tulles), siis lisage see soov oma avaldusele.
Kõik on võimalik.
UUS! May
23-27, 2013 Bursas
- 1st International Youth Festival
02-06 JULY
veel üks festival lastele aprillis
(3 aega)
Tasumine toimub järk-järgult:
Hiljemalt 15.jaanuariks 2013 umbkaudu 25%
Hiljemalt 25.veebruariks 2013 umbkaudu 25%
Hiljemalt 25.märtsiks 2013 umbkaudu 25%
Hiljemalt 25.aprilliks 2013 umbkaudu 25%
Kokku 100%
Alati võib ülekandeid teha varem. Kui soovite osa tasuda veel 2012.a. numbri
sees, siis sellele osale teeme eraldi ettemaksu arve.
(ettemaksu on tihti kasutatud, et hilisemad summad oleks väiksemad)
International Ida Culture Festival
20 JUNE - 24
JUNE 2013
17.juunil kell 00:01 ja tagasi 30.juunil kell 23:59
22 AUGUST - 26 AUGUST 2013
väljasõit 19.augustil kell 00:01 ja tagasi 01.septembril kell 23:59
väljasõit 30.augustil kell 00:01 ja tagasi 12.septembril kell 23:59
Rahvatants, moderntants, puhkpill
trummaritega, koorid, tänavateatrid ja tänavatants, lapsed, noored ja vanad
Seda festivali võib kõigile soovitada.
Muudatused, mida tuleb teha seniste kogemuste põhjal:
1. kohapealset aega Türgis tuleb pikendada ja/või lisada juurde vähemalt
üks päev ja ööbimine Istanbulis
2. Bulgaarias võtame teised majutuskohad, sest senised kaks partnerit on alt
vedanud. Istanbulist tagasisõidul jõuab sõita Serbiasse.
Osalustasu 120 eurot (4 ööd, 3 täispäeva)
* We will provide to you three meals per day in hotel , each room has
2-3-4 beds.
Toilet and showers and security. Hotel is near the seaside and swimming pool.
Soovi korral võib minna päev varem ja/või lahkuda päev
hiljem (lisatasu 30 eurot päev/öö eest koos toitlustusega)
Teatada tuleb mida varem seda parem.
Kindlasti on vaja häid digipilte ja tutvustavat teksti.
Groups must be composed of minimum 20, maximum 50 people including bus drivers.
Groups should provide 2 national flags and banners for the ceremonies.
Groups can perform live music or CD and max 15 minute .
( Max 2 or 3 performance at the period of the festival in open area )
1.päev Eestist
2.päev Poolast Ungarisse
3.päev Ungarist Bulgaariasse
4.päev Bulgaariast Türki Edremiti
5.päev festival
6.päev festival
7.päev festival
8.päev festival
9.päev Istanbuli
10.päev Istanbulis
11.päev Istanbulist Serbiasse
12.päev Serbiast Ungarisse või Slovakkiasse
13.päev Ungarist / Slovakkiast Poolasse
14.päev Koju
Aastatel 2000-2012 on osalenud
Bulgaria, Romania, Belgium, Hungary, Poland, Italia, Iran, Sicily, Lithuania,
Estonia, Armenia, Georgia, Holland, Norway, Spain, Greece, Korea,
Ecuador, America,
Sweden, India, Russia, Serbia, Yakutia, Sakha, Croatia, Taiwan, Bask Country,
Mexico, Bresil, Chili, Slovakia, Czech Rep., Poland, China, Japan, North Cyprus,
14 - 19 AUGUST 2013 TURKEY
Seniste kogemuste põhjal
väga hea korraldusega festival ning võib kindlalt soovitada.
Sellele festivalile on mugavam minna lennukiga ja tasuda kohapeal bussi
kasutuse ees.
We would be happy to welcome your ensemble in our wonderful city Istanbul and
all together yo form the beginning of new friendship to make an collaboration
culture exchange and also confraternity with each other.
Festival organization committee will provide one English speaking guide to each
All performances must be to live music or playback CD too.
Groups have to send us their all necessary documents such as their recently
presentation info and pictures a short brief about their background and
During the festival there will be four times gift exchanges, three times of them
with different municipalities Mayors and one with the festival committee welcome
You are going to see the historical and touristic places of Istanbul some which
are Ottoman, Byzantium cultures All one day friday ( Sultan ahmet square, Sultan
ahmet mosque, St. soffia, ayasofya, Topkapi palace, grand baazar and shopping
centers which provide the opportunity of all the authentic and modern
entertainments of shopping of the East and West with our guides.You also have
the opportunity to spend your time with activites authentic parties and
activities.There is a swimming possibility at Marmara sea,If you are interest
you can vizit or swimming cadde bostan or prince Island ,we can arrange special
Turkish bath ( Hamam) you will see Europe-Asia with privat boat in Bosphorus.
14 -19 AUGUST 2013
Most programs are held in the evening however, some day time programs are also
scheduled. Performances are approximately 8-10 minutes.
All groups will show of their performance max 3 nights . Each group can
participate max with 10 minute..
We will invite 14 countries to the 14-19 AUGUST .
All groups will stay same University dormitory centrum in Istanbul in USKUDAR.
We will invite International XIV. ISTANBUL EURASIA CULTURE FESTIVAL ...
Rahvatants, moderntants, koorid, muusika, lapsed,
noored ja vanad - kõik on oodatud.
The groups will arrive in Istanbul on 14 AUGUST afternoon ( only
dinner ) and will leave from here on 19 AUGUST after breakfast
Ühiselamus elades on osalustasu 5 päeva eest 90 eurot
We will provide to you three meals per day ( lunches with packed meal
) and accommodation at the University dormitory, each room has 3-4 beds, toilet
and showers at the same floor. If groups want to stay extra days we can organize
it.We can only provide double rooms for drivers or leaders. Free parking lot.
Basketball and Football area.
Per person for 5 days 90 euros.
Hotellis elades on osalustasu 220 kuni 260 eurot.
If groups want to stay in hotel groups will pay the hotel price .
3*** hotel per person 220 Euros for 5 days. - 4 **** hotel per person 260 Euros.
We will provide to you three meals per day ( lunches with packed meal ) .
PARTICIPATED COUNTRIES : ( 2000-2012)( Bulgaria, Bresil, Romania, Belgium,
Hungaria, Poland, Italia, Sicilia, Litvania, latvia, Armenia, Georgia, Holland,
Norway, Spain, Greece, Korea, Ecuador, America, Sweden, India, Russia, Sirbia,
Yakutia, Hirvatia, Taiwan, Bask Country, Sibiria, Mexico, Latvia, Slovakia,
Czech Rup., Poland, Estonia, China, japan,
Nort Cyprus, Colombia, Chili, Slovenia.( folklore, brass band, chorus, modern
dance, theatre groups) . CHILDREN,YOUTH, ADULT.
If your group is coming by PLANE, We will hire the bus for theirs all ground
transportations. Groups will pay this bus cost. Bus serves throughout the
festival dates. (Airport transfers, excursions program transfers, transfers to
the field performance and competitions). Groupson the first day of the
competition shall pay transfer fees. This is the cost of BUS for 30-46 people
Totally 1600 Euro . This is the cost of MINIBUS for 20-28 people Totally 1200
Euro .
29 JULY - 03 AUGUST 2013
Kolmandat korda toimub koorikonkurss ja festival Istanbulis.
Kui on huvi, andke teada ja täpsustame detailid.
2012.aastal osales seal edukalt Rapla Laulustuudio kahe kooriga ja sai ühe
ja 2 teist kohta.
Täpset infot just 2013.aasta kohta
veele ei ole, kuid seniste infode põhjal saate ettekujutuse
lugedes seda
infot ja kui olete huvitatud, siis saate oma info meile edastada
registreerimisankeedi põhjal.
Muudatused, mida võiks teha seniste kogemuste põhjal:
1. kohapealset aega Türgis võib pikendada
2. Bussiga sõites võtame Bulgaarias teised majutuskohad, sest senised kaks
partnerit on alt vedanud (ehkki osad grupid soovisid ise võimalikult odavat
varianti, kasvõi saali põrandat).
3. Istanbuli võib ka lennukiga minna-tulla ja kohapeal tasuda sealse bussi
kasutamise eest.
4. Kui rahakott kannatab, siis võite ühiselamute/hostelite asemel valida
majutuse hotellides (seda just Istanbulis kohapeal).
Kui te soovite kõige odavamaid variante, siis peate ka arvestama
ekstreemsemate tingimustega.
See on ja tagantjärgi oli teie enda valik (juhul, kui miski ei meeldinud).
19-24 APRIL 2013
The aim of range this event is explain the importance and role of love, peace,
friendships the Children, whom will grown ups of future.
It will be just great pleasure and honors to receive the pointed group’s
representative its country joining in this amazing international event.
Here is the festival program, conditions in general:
We will invite groups in Istanbul 19-24 April 2013.
For participant Children ,there are 2 options :
If participant CHILDREN want to stay Turkish student families, they will pay
participation fee for during festival 60 euro. ( only children – age 8-13)
Every 2 student will stay at the same Family together. Group leaders must choose
in advance the students who are staying with same family.
A- Pension or simple hotel : Breakfast and each room has 2-3-4 beds 150 EURO
/ person/ all Festival time (5 Days). hotel Centrum in Kadikoy.
B- Half-board in a 3*** Hotel 235 EURO / person/ all Festival time (5 Days)
hotel Centrum in Kadikoy, each room has 2-3 beds and toilet and showers and
C- Half-board in a 4**** Hotel 265 EURO / person/ all Festival time (5 Days)
hotel Centrum in Kadikoy, each room has 2-3 beds and toilet and showers and
P.S: All ADULT people will stay in hotel .(Leaders-musicians-Drivers-Parents)
Travel and health insurance should be provided by the group itself, groups
are responsible theirs own travel expenses to Istanbul and return. If Groups
join the festival by plane , We will hire a bus for their transportations form
airport / school - school /airport. Groups will pay 600 Euro for this bus cost.
Schools will provide groups with free transportation during the festival.
All groups will performance max 15 minute indoor and outdoor 3-4 Time.
Performances can be with live music or CD.Please inform us short brief about
your group background by the way a few nice photos of your group with attachment
file. If you are agree and accept the conditions please fill up Official
application form and send it back to us with attachment file.
Personally we hope this first meeting will be very successfully and consequently
result of thinking about to arrange it regularly. If you have similar
organization in your country, we are willing to take part in 2013.
What you will have of your leisure time at the period of festival? , here
they are: The main goal at the international folklore festival is all the
participants who return home to gain a lot of new friends and great memories .
GRAND BAZAAR : You will be able to see the famous historical and touristy places
and shopping at the GRAND BAZAAR, which provide an amusing opportunity of all
entertainment’s of shopping mix the east and west. Grand Bazaar is the oldest
art and largest shopping centre in the world, it’s covered more than 30 hectares
of the land in this labyrinth system of streets and passages there are more than
18 entrances and approximately 400.000 daily visitors. Approximately 5 million
tourists visit this splendid city every year.
You will also be able to notice the affect of OTTOMAN – BYZANTIUM cultures.
You are going to see famous TOPKAPI PLACE that has served the residence and
political headquarter for ottoman sultans for 400 years, SULTANAHMET MOSQUE, and
Blue mosque and SAINT SOPHIA.
A traditional excursion by private boat along the waterway (BOSPHORUS) its
30 km long separating EUROPE-ASIA will be excellent and full of unforgettable
breathtaking sceneries.
Duration in four hours you can not imagine how amusing funs you will have, let
us allow explaining you. You will listen our best pop songs, belly dance music’s.
Previously of our festivals this trip was always one of the best free time
activities, popular event during the festival all the groups enjoyed themselves
very much.
Please have everyone bring their swimming suits for sunbath. This excursion cost
is 10 EURO per person.
Participation groups will be able to see PUBLIC BAZAAR and big SUPER MARKET. On
the other hand if you desire, you will be able join in well known lunapark.
Finally we say the ISTANBUL CILDREN festival will stay with you unforgettable
wonderful sweet memories the rest of your life forever.
April 18-24 2013 / ANTALYA
Dear Friends,
FOMGED, a non-governmental organization, has been organizing international
festivals and social, cultural, sports activities for twenty four years in
As known, the date of 23rd April is called and celebrated as the Children’s Day
every year in Turkey.
For this reason, FOMGED is going to organize “The 24th International Antalya
Children Festival” during the dates 18th – 24th April in 2013. We invite the
groups of Folk Dances, Modern Dances,
Music, Ballet, Chorus, Circus, Band and Harmonics, Traditional Children Street
Games, Dance Theatre and Rhythmic Gymnastics, consisting of the children aged
between 8 and 14 to our festival.
1. All applications should be sent by e-mail, mail and fax until January 31st,
2. We also request you to send us the short CV, photos, DVD/VCD of the group
with the application form.
3. More than one group from each country may participate in the festival.
4. Other people who want to participate in our festival can accompany with the
5. All participant groups have to pay a deposit of 200 Euro into the following
accounts and send the bank receipt with the application
form before January 31st, 2013. This deposit will be paid back to groups on the
date of their arrival to the festival.
Account name : FOMGED IBAN NO : TR05 0006 7010 0000 0070 3783 58
7. All application forms will be evaluated by the Organization Committee and
official invitations will be sent as soon as possible to
the groups which are eligible as participant.
In order to decrease expenses of the organization Committee, participants
will be required to pay participation fee.
1. All participants have to pay 30 Euro per person per day as
participation fee.
2. For every 20 people in the group, one leader is free of charge.
3. All payments will be made as Euro in cash to the responsible person of the
Organization Committee on April 18th, 2013.
The participation fee includes the followings:
a) All participants will stay in hotels. All hotel reservations will be made by
the Organization Committee.
b) The hotel will be 3 stars; breakfast lunch and dinner is open-buffet. (Lunch
may sometimes be given as lunch boxes).
c) There is a shower / WC and air conditioner in the rooms and the rooms are
double or triple.
d) Participants will join a city tour and a yatch tour.
The traveling expenses to and from Antalya are to be responsibility of the
participant groups themselves.
1. For the groups which come to Antalya by plane, transfer to and from airport
and local transportations throughout the festival
program will be provided by Organization Committee.
2. The group which comes to Antalya by their own buses will use these buses for
all local transportation throughout the festival
program. The gasoline for this local transportation throughout the festival
program is given to the groups.
1. Participant children have to be at age of
between 8 and 14.
2. Groups will arrive in Antalya on the afternoon April 18th, 2013 and depart
from Antalya after breakfast on April 24th, 2013.
3. All the participants have to get the Travel Health Insurance before they come
to our country.
4. The Organization Committee will not be responsible for any damages which
might occur to the participants or their belongings. In
case of an accident or any need for an emergent medical treatment, Organization
Committee will be helpful, but all medical and
other expenses of the participant will be paid by the participant or the
participants insurance.
5. The participants have full responsibility of all visa procedures before they
come to our country.
6. Each group has to get ready to perform 3, 5 and 7 minutes – show when
7. The participating groups will perform only in activities arranged by the
Organization Committee. The groups have to participate in
all activities in the program. The Organization Committee can change the dates,
time, places and the number of all activities of
the festival. All the participant groups have to be in agreement with this rule.
Folk Dance Ballet Music Band and Harmonica Dance
Modern Dance Choir Circus Traditional Children Rhythmic Gymnastics
Street Games
May 14-20 2013 / ANTALYA
FOMGED, a non-governmental organization, has been organizing
international festivals and social, cultural, sports activities for twenty four
years in Turkey.
Besides, the date of 19th May is called and celebrated as the Youth and Sports
Day every year in Turkey.
For this reason, FOMGED is going to organize “The International Antalya Youth
Festival” during the dates 14th – 20th May in 2013. We invite the groups of Folk
Dances, Modern Dances, Music, Ballet,
Chorus, Circus, Band and Harmonics, Traditional Street Games, Dance Theatre and
Rhythmic Gymnastics, consisting of the children aged between 13 and 26 to our
1. All applications should be sent by e-mail, mail and fax until January 31st,
2. We also request you to send us the short CV, photos, DVD/VCD of the group
with the application form.
3. More than one group from each country may participate in the festival.
4. Other people who want to participate in our festival can accompany with the
5. All participant groups have to pay a deposit of 200 Euro into the following
accounts and send the bank receipt with the application
form before January 31st, 2013. This deposit will be paid back to groups
on the date of their arrival to the festival.
Account name : FOMGED IBAN NO : TR05 0006 7010 0000 0070 3783 58
7. All application forms will be evaluated by the Organization Committee and
official invitations will be sent as soon as possible to
the groups which are eligible as participant.
In order to decrease expenses of the organization Committee, participants
will be required to pay participation fee.
1. All participants have to pay 35 Euro per person per day as participation fee.
2. For every 20 people in the group, one leader is free of charge.
3. All payments will be made as Euro in cash to the responsible person of the
Organization Committee on May 14th, 2013.
The participation fee includes the followings:
a) All participants will stay in hotels. All hotel reservations will be made by
the Organization Committee.
b) The hotel will be 3 stars; breakfast lunch and dinner is open-buffet. (Lunch
may sometimes be given as lunch boxes).
c) There is a shower / WC and air conditioner in the rooms and the rooms are
double or triple.
d) Participants will join a city tour and a yatch tour.
The traveling expenses to and from Antalya are to be responsibility of the
participant groups themselves.
1. For the groups which come to Antalya by plane, transfer to and from airport
and local transportations throughout the festival
program will be provided by Organization Committee.
2. The group which comes to Antalya by their own buses will use these buses for
all local transportation throughout the festival
program. The gasoline for this local transportation throughout the festival
program is given to the groups.
1. Participant performers have to be at age of between 13 and 26.
2. Groups will arrive in Antalya on the afternoon May14th, 2013 and depart from
Antalya after breakfast on May 20th, 2013.
3. All the participants have to get the Travel Health Insurance before they come
to our country.
4. The Organization Committee will not be responsible any damages which might
occur to the participants or their belongings. In
case of an accident or any need for an emergent medical treatment, Organization
Committee will be helpful, but all medical and
other expenses of the participant will be paid by the participant or the
participants insurance.
5. The participants have full responsibility of all visa procedures before they
come to our country.
6. Each group has to get ready to perform 3, 5 and 7 minutes – show when
7. The participating groups will perform only in activities arranged by the
Organization Committee. The groups have to participate in
all activities in the program. The Organization Committee can change the dates,
time, places and the number of all activities of
the festival. All the participant groups have to be in agreement with this rule.
Folk Dance Ballet Music Band and Harmonica Dance
Modern Dance Choir Circus Traditional Street Rhythmic Gymnastics
Turkey, Bursa - May
23-27, 2013
- 1st International Youth Festival
- arrival May 23, departure May 27 - 4 nights
- age limit of the participants should not be over 14-18 years old (very
important to be taken into consideration!)
- accommodation and full-board catering is assured in hotel
- max 35 people per group of which max 5 people are adults, including leaders
and drivers
- live or recorded music are both acceptable
- performances are 5-10 minutes long per group
- the travel expenses during the festival is reimbursed, 100 liters of fuel will
be given to those arriving by own bus transport
- the groups arriving by airplane will be given bus transport during the
- travel expenses to Turkey and back are the participant groups expenses
- participation fee is 70 EUR per person of which 50% should be paid in advance
after issuing the invitation
- application deadline is February 10
- sending the participants' list deadline is March 20
02-06 JULY 2013
Dear folk dance friend,
We invite your group from your country to the Culture and Art Festival in
Gökçebey/ Zonguldak on 02-06 July 2013.
We will meet you at our town on 01 July afternoon.
You will return back to your country on 07 July after breakfast.
You will dance twice a day max. 20 minutes.
We want live music.
You can visit around in free times and there is a swimming pool in holiday
You will stay in clean and good dormitory.
The group will be max. 30 person including musicians managers dancers and drives.
The dancers will be older than 16 years old.
We will have a great festival week. You dancer will be happy and we will be good
You will make your dancers health insurance. You also pay your own travel
We will pay your food and accomodation expenses.
Please inform me about attending in short time.
Also if you accept coming to the festival, please send me the history of your
group and also 2 photos.
I am waiting yor response until 1 March.
Best Wishes
The Hanorary president of Anatolian Folklore Foundation
International Cınarcık Kilimli, Gökçebey.Afyon,İzmir folkdance International
Zonguldak C oal City child and youth
Folklore Festival Manager
Dear friends
International Children Folk Dance
will be organised in Sakarya
19-25 April 2013
Sakarya is situated 2 hours far from instabul
The festival is adressed to children 6-14 years old
If you are interesting please contact us to send you full condtions and
Best regards
Andr. Papandreou 203 56533 Neapoli Thessaloniki