Kui leiate sobiva festivaliaja, siis täitke sooviavaldus ning samuti esialgne soovijate nimekiri ja saatke info@estofolk.ee
Kui vaja infot, helistage 56459359 või kirjutage ja küsige info@estofolk.ee .
Arvestage, et kiire tegutsemine ja operatiivsus on garantiiks te soovide teostumisele.
Kuna tingimusi seavad festivalide korraldajad, siis nad võivad teha muudatusi ja oma valikuid.

Sellele Poola festivalile Lodzi ei pea te kindlasti kasutama Eesti Europeade Komitee reisikorraldust. Võite ise poolakatega kontakteeruda ja ise oma reisi korraldada.
Peaasi, et olete valmis vastu võtma külalisi (mida varem seda kindlam) ja tõenäoliselt peab teil olema saateansambel (vähemalt kirjas ei ole vihjetki salvestatud muusikale).
Arvestage, et poolakad valivad, keda kutsuda. Seega peab teiepoolne kiri sisaldama ka konkreetseid sõprusettepanekuid.

Poola pool ootab endale külla gruppe vastastikuse vahetuse ja sõpruse põhimõttel.

We are polish Folk Song and Dance Ensemble " Lodz " and we organize International Festivals every two year in our city. In 2015 there will be XXXI Edition of International Folk Festival and we are planning to host about 10 groups from different countries.
From our site we will quarantie also great time in Poland for your group.
From year to year International Folk Festival are getting to be more prestigious artistic event which in the summer time gather thousand people admiring national folklore of other countries.
We would like to propose you an participation in our festival, that will take place in Lodz, Poland in first part of July 2015.
There is movie from last edition:
Our website:

exchange formula:

We would like to invite your folk group for our XXXI International festiwal FOR FREE for 10 days in first part of July 2015. (you have to pay for your trip to Poland and back to your country only), in exchange of that we ask you to invite us on your festival - our group will visit your country in the same rules in summer time 2015 for 10 days for free. If you don't make any festival we can just come to you and give some performances for you and for peopel from your city.
We propose follow conditions:
- your group will dance in our city and in the neighbourhood;
- your group can count 35 people (over 15 years old);
- we will guarantee your group accommodation and food;
- we will insure recreations programs (swimming-pool, water sports, fire, dancing-party, folk night-parties, some trips and polish dancing class)
- your group will be provided with profesional guide, that will be with group 24h/day.
- in plans we have also huge INTERNATIONAL EVENING in cooperation with the all groups attending the festival.
During this evening the groups will present a small ethnographic exhibition and will present the groups with some local specialities (food and drinks).
During the dinner, the musicians of the groups will take turns on the small stage in the hall.
After the dinner it will be an international folk-dance party, with folk-music and dance-lessons for the other participants.
- the way from your country to Poland and way back is paid on your own.

The last stage of our cooperation is contract that will be signed by both sites.

It will be great to meet together and also visit your country. If you arent interested in our offer please help us and give some contacts to other groups from your country. We are looking forward to your quick answer.
We hope to have fast and serious cooperation with your group.

If you have any questin please contact us throug mail or phone. Ask Monika Tabowska who speak english +48795505861.
Best regards,
Danuta Ciechanska
Beata Stelmach
Piotr Sarnik

Polish Folk Song and Dance Ensemble " Lodz "
 Centrum Kultury Mlodych
93-021 Lodz, ul. Lokatorska 13, Poland
Telephone/fax number 0-42-684-83-94