Eesti on tuntud pikkade koorilaulu traditsioonide poolest.
Suure-Jaani segakoor “Ilmatar” loodi 1890.a ja tegutseb tänapäevani. Sel aastal
tähistab segakoor enda 120 juubelit.
Mida tähendab Ilmatar? Ilmatar on pärit Põhjamaade legendidest ja otseses tõlkes
on “nais-õhu-hing”.
Tänaseks on segakooril 27 liiget ja alates 1991. a on selle dirigendiks olnud
Riina Mankin.
Koori repertuaar on lai, alates Eesti kooriklassikast lõpetades kergema
muusikaga. Samuti on ka koht nende repertuaaris olemas teiste maade kultuuridel.
Neile meeldib esineda kodukandi publikule ja maakonna laulupidudel. Suureks
väljakutseks on neile osalemine Vabariiklikul Laulu- ja Tantsupeol Tallinnas.
Segakoor on andnud kontserte paljudes riikides nagu Soome, Rootsi ja Norra.
Samuti on neil ka sõpruskoor Bauskas, Lätis.
Kokkuvõtteks armastab segakoor “Ilmatar” laulda ja pakkuda rõõmu sellega
Estonia is well known by its long choir-singing traditions.
Suure-Jaani’s mixed choir “Ilmatar” was created in the year 1890 and has existed
since. This year the mixed choir will celebrate its 120th jubilee.
What does the Ilmatar mean? It comes from Nordic legends and Ilmatar means
female air spirit.
Today the mixed choir has 27 members and Riina Mankin has been the conductor of
the choir since 1991.
Their repertory varies from classics of Estonian choir songs to light-music.
Also music from other cultures has a place in their repertory.
They like to perform to their local audience, on county song festivals. It is a
big challenge for them to take part of the State Song and Dance festival in
The mixed choir has been on tour in many countries like Finland, Sweden, and
Norway. Also they have very close relationships with mixed choir from Bauska,
In conclusion the mixed choir “Ilmatar” loves to sing, give joy to others.