juhendaja / teacher: Janne Kuuskla
janne.kuuskla (at)
Raasiku naisrahvatantsurühm „Rõõmulised”
tegutseb Raasiku rahvamajas ja on koos tantsinud 11 aastat.
Pooled tantsijatest tantsivad rühmas algusest peale.
Rühma repertuaar koosneb peamiselt autoritantsudest, samas on tähtsal kohal ka
pärimustantsud ja nende seaded.
Rühm on osalenud Harjumaa tantsupidudel 2013. a ja 2018. a; 2. Eesti Naiste
Tantsupeol 2016. a ning palju esinetakse kohalikel pidudel.
Esmakordselt õpib rühm tantsupeo tantse, et osaleda 2019. a tantsupeol „Minu
Rühma nimi iseloomustab hästi rühma ennast – alati rõõmsad igas olukorras.
Raasiku “Rõõmulised” eng “Cheerful” woman folkdance group is active in Raasiku
Folk house and has been dancing folk dances now 11 years.
Half of the dancers have been dancing with this group since the beginning.
The group repertoire consist mainly authors dances, at the same time heritage
traditional dances are also valued.
The group has participated at Harjumaa dance festivals in 2013 and 2018,
Estonian Woman Dance Festival at 2016 and we also dance a lot at local parties.
First time the group is learning dances for 2019 Dance Festival called “Minu
arm” eng “My love".
The name of this dance group describes them well - always happy in every