Rahvatantsurühm "Valla-alune" alustas oma
tegevust 1989. aastal. Rühma on loonud ja seda juhendas Eevi Kiling kuni 2011.a
sügiseni. Praeguses koosseisus on 30 tantsijat vanuse vahemikus 30 kuni 65
aastat .
Meie repertuaaris on nii folkoorseid kui ka autoritantse.
Esinenud oleme Eestimaa erinevates paikades, erinevatel tantsupäevadel ja
kõikidel tantsupidudel alates 1990.a.
Suviti oleme eesti rahvatantsu tutvustanud Viimsi Vabaõhumuuseumis
ekskursioonigruppidele erinevatelt maadelt.
Oleme osalenud festivalidel Portugalis, Rootsis, Soomes ja Kreekas.
The folk-dance
group Valla-alune
was founded in 1989 and has since practiced in Viimsi, the neighboring parish of
Estonian capital Tallinn.
Valla-alune is a dance group for adults with 30 members. We are nonprofessional
dancers like most of the 15000 folk-dancers in Estonia – we practice in the
evenings after work two times a week. Although we usually have a supporting
live-band, we also perform with pre-recorded music.
Our performing program includes Estonian folk-dances: both traditional and new
choreography as well as special sets for the stage.
We perform frequently in the Viimsi Open Air Museum in order to introduce
Estonian folk-culture to foreign visitors. Often the audience will be included
in our dances in these occasions.
Our dance-group performs in all the large-scale folk-dance festivals in Estonia.
We have also taken part of many folk-dance competitions. The success from these
competitions has motivated us to introduce Estonian folk-culture abroad. We have
performed in various festivals in Portugal, Greece, Sweden, Finland etc. From
these trips we have received positive experiences for ourselves as well as
compliments from our hosts. This has encouraged our dance-group to look into the
future and take part from new festivals.