Koeru noorte tantsurühm Vingerpussid kogunes esimest korda septembris 2000.
Tegemist on igati rõõmsameelsete ja tantsulusti täis noortega, kes suurima
heameelega esinevad nii kohalikel kui ka kaugema kandi pidudel. Mitmeid kordi
oleme teinud vahvaid ja lõbusaid tantsuetendusi oma erinevate showtantsudega.
Vingerpusside senised esinemised on viinud noori Venemaale, Ungarisse, Poolasse
ja Ukrainasse.
Oleme avatud uutele kohtumistele ja esinemistele nii kodu- kui ka välismaal.
Youth dance group Vingerpussid consists of pupils of Koeru high school and was founded on September 2000. The dance group is full of bright-eyed and cheerful youngsters having pleasure to perform everywhere and every time in local and faraway concerts. Cheerful and vigorous as we are, we have performed many dance shows with dances we learned for our multifarious programme. Vingerpussid have taken part in dance festivals and other performances in Russia, Hungary, Poland and Ukraine. We are always delighted to get invitations to perform in Estonian or foreign festivals.